Buy rotmg 16 stars account with stats:
- Stars: 16
- Slots: 9
- Chest: all items shown on images
- Fame: 362
- Gift chest: all items shown on images.
- Character: Paladin 8/8, Sorcerer 8/8, Knight 6/8, Wizard 0/8, Ninja 0/8, Warrior 8/8, Priest 6/8, Archer 8/8, Rogue 6/8
- UT: all items shown on images.
- ST: all items shown on images.
- Pet: Legendary Reptile Heal 76, Magic Heal 71, Rising Fury 49. Rare Penguin Magic Heal 50, Heal 25
This realm of the mad god 16 stars account also include email and password.
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