1)By making a purchase at Realmshop.info you agree that the Realmshop is responsible for the items only to the time of transfer the purchased item in your use. Our service is not responsible for items received after their transfer.
Realmshop only provides interaction between the seller and the buyer, acting as a virtual operator.
Realmshop don’t sell anything directly, all offers at the site are presented by third parties, we are not responsible for their content and harm caused to interested parties.
2)Your minimum order amount must be more than 5 $.
3)Steam products can be purchase through Paypal, Debit cards and other payment methods, excl. steam payment method.
4)All personal data you used during registration will not be used by the administrator or transferred to the third persons for the use of any purpose.
5)You can get an order only for the IGN you specified on the checkout page.
Commission to the amount of your order when paying through:
Steam, Steam skins +30%
Amazon + 25%
BTC + 10%
PaySafeCard +30%
PSN/Xbox +30%
Example you want to pay with BTC:
Your amount order (5$) + 10% = 5.5$
1. Delivery work in two ways: mules sent to email, or if you dont want to recieve the mules, by trade in game.
Delivery take 5-10m, depending on server load.
Accounts delivered via email.
In case of technical issues, delivery may take longer.
In case if you do not receive your items, we will refund your money.
2. How does it work: After you have purchased an item, you will get order number to your email. Than you tell our live support your order number and our special in-game courier connect with you in game and will give you purchased items.
7)You need to confirm the purchase of more than $ 100.
This is done to protect us from credit card fraud. You can email us photocopies of any document that can approve your person, bluring all other details (Driver’s License, Passport, National ID, Bank Statement, Credit Card Statement, Utility Bill, Phone Bill) and if you payed directly via paypal you need to provide us a screenshot of paypal transaction and your name. We don’t need card and id numbers so you can hide that on the photocopy. We only need to see name matches with your payment method.
8)Refund Policy
Refunds are only offered under the following circumstances and will be sent to you within 24 hours via the method of payment you used:
1.We fail to deliver your items within listed time frames. (This does not apply if you failed to follow the instructions and terms listed there.)
We do NOT provide refunds for the following:
1.If we feel that your activities on our website are suspicious, fraudulant, or high risk in nature.
2.You are too impatient to accept our delivery time frame.
3.You decided you don’t want or don’t need the items.
4.Paypal puts a hold on your payment for review for whatever reason. In that case, you must wait for PayPal to release payment and than your order will be delivered instantly.
9)Promo products
For promo products not used minimum order amount
Every day 10 first customers can get 1 life for free
Deca packs is not working with free st promo
This promotion is only available once for each customer
We can stop or refuse you in this promotion at any time
By accepting this agreement you confirm that you are the owner of your payment card / account.
If you have any other questions, contact us at Realmofshop@gmail.com or discord: rpg.rip#5328
Coinbase bonus is not working with Decas packs